My Notes
View and comprehensively manage any note you have created.
Recommended Layout
This block applies integrated scroll and internal padding. The recommended layout for this block is a simple, clean layout that lets the block do most of the work:
Block Configuration
Note Item Template
This template is pretty complicated. It is what is displayed for each note item in the list. There are a handful of merge fields and commands that you can use to customize this template.
Merge Fields
Property | Description |
Note | A custom object containing useful information about the note. You can all of the properties available here. |
PersonEntityTypeId | The ID of the system Person entity type. |
PersonAliasEntityTypeId | The ID of the system Person Alias entity type. |
PersonAliasEntityTypeGuid | The GUID of the system Person Alias entity type. |
ReminderEntityTypeId | The ID of the system Reminder entity type. |
ConnectionEntityTypeId | The ID of the system Connection Request entity type. |
ReminderNoteTypeGuid | The GUID of the configured Reminder Note Type (to use for new reminders). |
ConnectionNoteTypeGuid | The GUID of the configured Connection Request Note Type (to use for new connections). |
PersonDetailPage | The GUID of the configured person detail page. |
ReminderDetailPage | The GUID of the configured reminder detail page. |
ConnectionDetailPage | The GUID of the configured Connection Request detail page. |
AddConnectionPage | The GUID of the configured Add Connection Page. |
GroupNotesByDate | Whether or not you have configured this block to group the notes by the date they were left. |
Command | |
DeleteNote | Triggers a deletion of the note. If this note has a linked reminder or connection, it will prompt the individual to ask if they want to delete the note or both the note and linked entity. |
ShowNoteDetail | Pushes to an edit view of the note. |
EditNote | Shows a cover sheet allowing someone to edit a note. |
LinkToPerson | Shows UI to link the note to a person. Only works on notes that are not currently linked to an entity. |
Enable Swipe for Options
If enabled, the note will be both left and right swipe-able with options to add a reminder, connection, link to person, edit or delete.
Person Note Types
The note types to allow when linking a note to a person. If none are checked, all of the note types will be included.
Reminder Note Type
The note type to update the note to when adding a reminder from the note.
Connection Note Type
The note type to update the note to when adding a connection request from the note.
Person Profile Detail Page
The page to use to view the details of a person.
Reminder Detail Page
The page to use to edit or add a reminder.
Add Connection Page
The page to use when adding a new connection from the note.
Connection Detail Page
The page to use when viewing the details of a connection request.
Group Notes by Date
Whether or not the notes should be grouped by the date they were left.
Note Items
The Note item you have access to in the Note Item Template has the following properties available to you.
Property | Type | Description |
Id | int | The ID of the Note. |
Guid | Guid | The GUID of the note. |
EntityId | int | The ID of the entity associated with this note. |
EntityGuid | Guid | The GUID of the entity associated with this note. |
NoteTypeId | int | The ID of the note type. |
NoteTypeGuid | Guid | The GUID of the note type. |
NoteTypeEntityTypeId | int | The ID of the Entity Type associated with the Note Type. |
EntityName | string | The friendly name of the linked entity. |
NoteText | string | The text of the note. |
NoteDate | DateTime | The date that the note was created. |
NoteTypeName | string | The friendly name of the Note Type. |
PhotoUrl | string | If this is a person note, this value will be the PhotoUrl of the person. |
IsPrivateNote | bool | Whether or not this note is private. |
IsAlert | bool | Whether or not this is an alert note. |
Last updated