
The parameter control is not actually a visual control. However, you will see it used by various other controls, such as the Picker. Additionally, nearly all commands use the Parameter control to let you pass information to the command handler.

One of the things that makes this such a powerful element is that it supports binding. Both the Name and Value properties can be bound to another element. For example, you can bind the Value property to a text input field that the user fills in and then pass that data back to your block on the server.






The name of the parameter. This can be either the displayed name or the name used, for example, in a query string parameter key.



The value to be associated with the name.


        <Rock:TextBox x:Name="tbSearch" Label="Search For" />
    <Button StyleClass="btn,btn-primary"
            Command="{Binding PushPage}">
            <Rock:PushPageParameters PageGuid="8fedc079-e133-4577-bc11-35c24d5e439e">
                <Rock:Parameter Name="q"
                                Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference tbSearch}, Path=Text}" />

In the above example, we display a text box to the user as well as a button. When the button is tapped, we transition to a new page. That new page is passed a parameter of q whose value is whatever the user typed in the search box.

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