
The .NET MAUI framework and the Rock Mobile application shell both utilize Commands to manage most actions and events. When a button is tapped, a Command executes. Typically, a Command is accessible via a Command property, although sometimes a view may support multiple Commands, in which case their names vary. Additionally, each Command can accept a parameter to fine-tune how it performs its task.

Since all Commands follow the same structure, you can use any Command anywhere. For instance, a Command configured for a button to open a browser window can also be assigned to a swipe gesture, enabling a browser to open when an individual swipes the screen.

Below, you’ll find details about various Commands. But first, here’s a quick example of using Commands. Here’s how to set up a button to open a browser window when tapped:

    <Button Text="Search"
            StyleClass="btn, btn-primary"
            Command="{Binding OpenBrowser}"
            CommandParameter="" />

Here, we bind the button's Command to the built-in OpenBrowser handler and pass the URL via the CommandParameter. Now, let’s add a textbox where an individual can enter a search term, using that term in the URL.

        <Rock:TextBox Label="Search" x:Name="SearchTerm" />

    <Button Text="Search"
            StyleClass="btn, btn-primary"
            Command="{Binding OpenBrowser}">
            <Rock:OpenBrowserParameters Url="">
                <Rock:Parameter Name="q"
                                Value="{Binding Path=Text, Source={x:Reference SearchTerm}}" />

In this example, we create an inline object in XAML within the CommandParameter property of the button. The <Rock:OpenBrowserParameters> object sets the base URL, and the nested parameters are appended as query strings. We define a parameter q, which Google uses for the search term. By binding the textbox's value dynamically with {Binding Source={x:Reference SearchTerm}, Path=Text}, we capture the input text from SearchTerm and insert it as the query value.

Now, we have a search button that opens a search results page using the text input without writing a single line of code!

Most Commands support a simplified form for CommandParameter. As seen in the OpenBrowser example, a static URL can be passed directly if no custom parameters are needed. Each Command specifies the forms its CommandParameter can accept.

Many Commands work within a block’s context (except for the Callback Command, which only functions in Content-derived blocks). While most Commands are accessible outside a block, such as in a flyout menu, some require page-specific context, like ShowActionPanel, which needs to know the page to overlay the panel.

Shorthand Syntax

Command parameter objects also support a shorthand form for XAML extensions, which simplifies the syntax. Here’s a comparison:

<Button Text="Scroll"
        Command="{Binding ScrollToVisible}">
        <Rock:ScrollToVisibleParameters Anchor="{x:Reference myLabel}"
                                        Position="Start" />

Using the shorthand, this becomes:

<Button Text="Scroll"
        Command="{Binding ScrollToVisible}"
        CommandParameter="{Rock:ScrollToVisibleParameters Anchor={x:Reference myLabel}, Position=Start}" />

This condensed syntax is more succinct but doesn’t support arrays in parameters. When values contain commas, they should be enclosed in single quotes within the double-quoted property string.

<Button Text="Send"
        Command="{Binding SendSms}"
        CommandParameter="{SendSmsParameters Message='Hello, Dave.' Recipients=1558881234}" />

Binding Context Considerations

Complex binding scenarios often arise with nested action items like ShowCoverSheet, ShowActionPanel, and ShowPopup. These items may require additional BindingContext references to maintain functionality at deeper nesting levels, as demonstrated below:

<Button x:Name="BindingContext" 
        Text="Action Panel With Aggregate Bindings"
        Command="{Binding ShowActionPanel}">
            <Rock:ShowActionPanelParameters Title="Action Panel Bindings"
                <Rock:ActionPanelButton Title="AggregateCommand"
                                    Command="{Binding BindingContext.AggregateCommand, Source={x:Reference BindingContext}}">
                            <Rock:CommandReference Command="{Binding BindingContext.ShowToast, Source={x:Reference BindingContext}}"
                                               CommandParameter="Successful binding implementation" />
                            <Rock:CommandReference Command="{Binding BindingContext.PushPage, Source={x:Reference BindingContext}}"
                                               CommandParameter="2cda9cfc-4717-4455-bfc2-633735cda86f" />

In this configuration, BindingContext references ensure the Commands remain connected to the correct data context at each level.

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