Weights & Styles

Applies to: Button, DatePicker, Editor, Entry, Label, Picker, SearchBar, TimePicker, Span

The following two weights are available as utility classes.


Use the .font-weight-bold utility class to bold text.

<Label StyleClass="font-weight-bold" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />


Use the .font-italic utility class to make the text italic.

<Label StyleClass="font-italic" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />


Use the .text-underline utility class to underline text.

<Label StyleClass="text-underline" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />


Use the .text-strikethrough utility class to place a line through your text.

<Label StyleClass="text-strikethrough" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />

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