Communication List Subscribe

Allows the user to subscribe or unsubscribe from specific communication lists.

This block heavily depends on an understanding of Communications in Rock. If you are unfamiliar, please refer to the link referenced.

Block Configuration

Communication List Categories

Select the categories of the communication lists to display, or select none to show all that the user is authorized to view.

Show Description

If enabled then the description of the communication list will be shown.

Show Medium Preference

If enabled, a segment picker will be displayed for lists that the person is subscribed to in order to set their preferred communication type.

Show Push Notification as Medium Preference

If enabled, push notification will be displayed as an option for medium preference.

Filter Groups By Campus Context

If enabled, groups will be filtered by the current campus context. If a campus is not set on the communication list, then it will be displayed no matter what.

Always Include Subscribed Lists

When filtering by campus, you may want to display lists that the user is subscribed to regardless of the campus context. Enabling this will do just that.


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