Live Experience Occurrences

Displays a set of interactive experience occurrences to an individual.


Destination Page

The page to link to when selecting an occurrence. This should typically pass a InteractiveExperienceOccurrenceKey to a Live Experience block.

Login Page

The page to use when showing the login page. If not set, then the Login page provided in the Application settings will be used.

Show All

This should really only be used for testing, and hidden from public view. When enabled, all active occurrences will be shown.

Always Request Location

When enabled, the device location will always be requested. If disabled, then the location will only be requested dependent on whether or not the person has already been requested in the past.


The template to use when rendering the content.

Refresh Interval

When assigned a value more than 0, the block will self-refresh at regular intervals, specifically every Refresh Interval seconds, but only if the block is visible on the page. It's generally advised not to set the value under 60 (with the exception of 0, which deactivates it).

Last updated

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