On Device Platform
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This is deprecated in Rock Mobile V6 and later. There is a built-in XAML extension for .NET MAUI.
Sometimes you want to have different values or different content on different platforms. For example, you might want to use one color on Android and a different color on iOS to match the native look. This extension allows you to provide different values depending on which platform the device is running on.
You can also style platforms independently via Custom CSS classes.
The value to be used when the device is running on Android.
The value to be used when the device is running on iOS.
The value to be used when the device is running on something else.
When running on an Android device, the text will be blue. If instead running on an iOS device then the text will be red. Otherwise, the text will be black. While not currently required, the Default value should be specified in case we add other platforms in the future.
Here is a more interesting example. In this case, we are replacing not just a property but an entire element. On Android, they will see a button that they can tap. On every other platform, they will see a label that informs them the feature only works on Android.