
Leverage built-in CSS classes to powerfully style your application.

Margin & Padding

Applies to: View

Many elements inherit from View and therefore can have margin and padding applied to them. Below are the utility classes for adding margins to your views.

The format for specifying margins is .m{sides}-{size} and similarly for padding is .p{sides}-{size}.

Where the sizes are represented as:

  • t - top

  • b - bottom

  • l - left

  • r - right

  • x - left and right

  • y - top and bottom

  • blank for all

And the size is one of the following:

  • 0

  • 4

  • 8

  • 12

  • 16

  • 24

  • 48

  • 80


This would produce a margin of 16 on all sides.

<Label StyleClass="m-16" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />

This would produce a margin and padding of 16 on all sides.

<Rock:StyledBorder StyleClass="p-16, m-16">
    <Label Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />

This would produce a margin of 8 on top.

<Label StyleClass="mt-8" Text="Lots of trouble. Lots of bubble." />


Applies to: VisualElement

You can apply the following classes to change to opacity of an element.




opacity: 0; (invisible)


opacity: .1;


opacity: .2;


opacity: .3;


opacity: .4;


opacity: .5;


opacity: .6;


opacity: .7;


opacity: .8;


opacity: .9;


Applies to VisualElement

The following classes can be used to show/hide an element.





visibility: visible;

Display the element.


visibility: hidden;

Do not display the element, but reserve space for the element in layout.


visibility: collapse;

Do not display the element, and do not reserve space for it in layout.


Applies to StackLayout

The format for specifying spacing is .spacing-{value}.

Where the values are represented as:

  • 0

  • 4

  • 8

  • 12

  • 16

  • 24

  • 48

  • 80


<StackLayout StyleClass="spacing-8">
    <Label Text="Hello!" />
    <Label Text="Utility classes are so awesome possum." />

Grid Spacing

Applies to Grid and Responsive Layout

  • The format for specifying row spacing is .gap-row-{value}.

  • The format for specifying column spacing is .gap-column-{value}.

  • To apply row and column spacing, the format is .gap-{value}.


Adds a row gap to the grid.

<Grid StyleClass="gap-row-8"
    RowDefinitions="Auto, Auto">
    <Label Text="Hello!" />
    <Label Grid.Row="1" Text="Utility classes are so awesome possum." />

Adds a column gap to the grid.

<Grid StyleClass="gap-col-4"
    Column="Auto, Auto">
    <Label Text="Hello!" />
    <Label Grid.Column="1" Text="Utility classes are so awesome possum." />

Border Width

Applies to: Button, ImageButton, StyledBorder

The following border width classes are provided to help with styling buttons.








Border Radius

Applies to: BoxView, Button, Frame, ImageButton, StyledBorder

The following classes are provided to adjust the radius of borders.




border-radius: 4;


border-radius: 8;


border-radius: 16;


border-radius: 1000; (not recommended on iOS)

Targeting Device Platforms

If you need to target styling to a specific platform (iOS or Android) you can use the parent classes .ios or .android.

.ios .heading1 {
    font-size: 33; 

You can also target specific platforms in XAML with an On Device Platform extension.

Targeting Device Types

Similar to platforms you can also target device types with .phone or .tablet.

.phone .heading1 {
    font-size: 33;

Targeting Pages

When configuring a page you can provide a CSS class you would like to add to the page. This will allow you to scope the styling of elements on that page.

.page-aboutus .heading1 {
    font-size: 33;

Targeting Blocks

Each Rock mobile block has a CSS class assigned to it. This allows you to target the visual elements within a specific block. The pattern to use is .block-[block type name lowercase]. For example, the calendar block would be .block-calendarview.

.block-calendarview .heading1 {
    font-size: 33;

Text Shadow

This property allows you to add a shadow to Labels. The syntax looks like this:

-rock-text-shadow: [distanceX] [distanceY] [blurRadius] [color]


.hero .hero-title {
    font-size: 24;
    color: white;
    -rock-text-shadow: 2 2 4 black;

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