Group Member List

Allows the user to view a list of members in a group.

Context is passed in through a page parameter, referenced as GroupGuid. There are quite a few examples of passing page parameters (also known as query parameters) lying around the documentation, and here is a great example.

The parameters that this block looks for are as follows.




The GUID of the group you wish to display members of.

Block Configuration

Group Member Detail Page

The page will display the group member details when selecting a member.

Including a Group Member View block on this page would not be a bad idea.

Title Template

The value to use when rendering the title text. Lava is enabled.


The Deploy button is required for content changes.

Merge Fields




The page selected in the Detail Page setting.



The text entered in the Title Template setting.



Only included when the Group By Person setting is disabled. 1. PhotoUrl 2. Id 3. Guid 4. PersonId 5. PersonGuid 6. FullName 7. FirstName 8. LastName 9. NickName 10. GroupRole 11. PhotoId



Only included when the Group By Person setting is enabled.



Create an entity set and performs a navigation command that passes an EntitySetGuid as a query string parameter.

Creating an Entity Set

This command requires Edit permissions on the following API endpoint: POST api/EntitySets/CreateFromItems/{entityTypeGuid}

You can create an entity set using the group member list by adding the following functionality into your template:

<Button Command="{Binding CreateEntitySetAndNavigate}"
        Text="Create EntitySet and navigate"
            <Rock:CreateEntitySetAndNavigateParameters TimeToExpire="30">
                    <Rock:CommandReference Command="{Binding PushPage}"
                        CommandParameter="f0ef45ac-4eb8-4ad1-b817-408d7d7fe0fc" />

When the button is pressed, it will generate an entity set, and append the EntitySetGuid to the PushPage command parameter. The command won't execute if the CommandReference isn't a navigation command (i.e. PushPage, ReplacePage, OpenBrowser, etc.)

Group By Person

When enabled, the Template merge field completely changes to People instead of Members. This will cause the block to display each distinct Person instead of the Group Member occurrence. The object also has an attached Roles merge field that you can use to see all of the different roles the distinct Person has.


Show Include Inactive Members Filter

When enabled, shows a filter option to limit the member list to include inactive members.

By default, inactive members will never be included. The only way to show them is by enabling this setting and turning on this filter in the app.

Show Group Role Type Filter

When enabled, shows a filter option to limit the member list to a specific group role type (IsLeader).

Show Group Role Filter

When enabled, shows a filter option to limit the member list to a specific group role.

Show Subgroup Filter

When enabled, shows a filter option to limit the member list to individuals that also belong in any of the selected child groups.

Show Attendance Filter

When enabled, will show up each of these options for both the Attendance Filter Short Week Range option and Attendance Filter Long Week Range option (x in the examples).



Filters to individuals who have attended within the last x number of weeks.

First Attended

Filters to individuals who had their first attendance within the last x number of weeks.

No Attendance

Filters to individuals who have had no attendance entries for within the last x number of weeks.

Attendance Filter Short Week Range

This value will be used to provide options in the Attendance Filter, meant to be used as a shorter duration of time. For instance, a value of three would equal three weeks in the attendance filtering process. If a value isn't provided, the options won't show.

Attendance Filter Long Week Range

This value will be used to provide options in the Attendance Filter, meant to be used as a longer duration of time. For instance, a value of six would equal six weeks in the attendance filtering process. If a value isn't provided, the options won't show.

Additional Fields

Since the Group Member List block does not provide the full object for the members, Rock Mobile gives you the opportunity to pull in any merge field that is associated with a group member. To do this, you can use either an existing property, attribute, or even add a merge field via a lava expression.

Lava Expression Syntax

{{ item }} will always be the root as that is the Group Member Object. The example below provides the block with theIsLeader merge field.

{{ item.GroupRole.IsLeader }}

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