Block Card
The block card is very similar to the Contained Card but the content is not in a clearly visible frame.
Inherits from StyledView > PancakeView
Property | Type | Description |
AdditionalContent | object | The text or controls to add to the content of the card. If text is provided it will be converted to paragraphs based on line breaks. |
BorderThickness | float | The thickness of the border. |
BorderColor | Color | The color of the border. |
Command | ICommand | The command to use when the card is clicked. |
CommandParameter | object | The parameters to set to the command when clicked. |
DescriptionLeft | object | The text or controls to place in the left description. |
DescriptionRight | object | The text or controls to place in the right description. |
Elevation | int | The Material Design elevation desired. |
HasShadow | bool | Determines if a shadow should be shown behind the card. |
Image | string | The URL of the image. |
ImageLocation | VerticalAlignment | Determines where the image should be placed on the card. (Top, Bottom) |
ImageMask | string | The URL or name of the image to use for the mask. |
ImageMaskColor | Color | The color to use to tint the mask. |
ImageMaskOpacity | double | The opacity to use on the mask. |
ImageOpactity | double | The opacity of the image. |
ImageRatio | string | Determines the size of the image based on the width of the parent container. The format is height:width with a default of 2.1:4. |
ImageSaturation | double | The saturation of the image. |
Tag | string | The text for the card's tag. |
TagBackgroundColor | Color | The background color of the tag. |
TagTextColor | Color | The text color of the tag. |
Tagline | string | The text to display for the tag line. |
TaglineJustification | HorizontalAlignment | The text alignment for the tagline. (Left, Right, Center) |
Title | string | The text to display for the title. |
TitleMaxLines | int | The maximum number of lines the title can be (default 2). |
TitleJustification | HorizontalAlignment | The text alignment for the title (Left, Right, Center) |
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