Event Item Occurrence List By Audience Lava
Block that takes an audience and displays calendar item occurrences for it using Lava.
Query Parameters
The query parameters this block looks for upon initialization are as follows.
Name | Type | Description |
CampusGuid | Guid | An optional Guid of the campus to filter event items to. |
Block Configuration
List Title
The title to make available in the lava.
The audience to show calendar items for.
Filters the events by a specific calendar.
List of which campuses to show occurrences for. This setting will be ignored if Use Campus Context
is enabled.
Use Campus Context
Determine if the campus should be read from the campus context of the page.
Date Range
Optional date range to filter the occurrences on.
Max Occurrences
The maximum number of occurrences to show.
Event Detail Page
The page to use for showing event details.
Lava Template
The template to use when rendering event items.
Merge Fields
In the template, you have access to these objects:
Field | Type | Description |
CurrentPage | Page | The current page of the individual. |
ListTitle | string | The title of the list. |
EventDetailPage | Guid | The Guid of the event detail page to navigate to. |
EventItemOccurrences | List<EventItem> | A list of all event item occurrences. |
FilteredCampuses | List<Campus> | A list of campuses based on the filters provided in the page parameter. |
Audience | Audience | The audience to display events for. |
Calendar | Calendar | The event calendar to display. |
Enabled Lava Commands
The Lava commands that should be enabled for this block, only affects Lava rendered on the server.
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